June 14, 2023

It is my baby’s first birthday today! Happy Birthday, A!

We stayed up late with M (almost 4, woah) baking cakes and blowing up balloons as he chanted, ” This is the best birthday ever! ” over and over again. Could not help but think this thing I am doing – having a family, spending my days caring for little kids – is absolutely precious. I am appreciative of these moments, as I do tend to dwell in exhaustion and frustration a lot these days. Maybe I should get myself a Congratulations on a year, Amme!! present 😀

Something chocolate or noodle-y. Ah, back to the task at hand – let’s ruminate on that later.

Sure, the days are hectic, and I have not spent a night sleeping full 7 hours in a whole year. Of course the phatic “this too shall pass” applies, but try telling me that at my 3rd wake up at 4:15 am, and you will regret opening your mouth. I am considering sleep training him next week, once I get him to the pediatrician.

I have been chanting – not quite as consistent this past 2 days as the days before but we are not too shabby. Life condition is better but we had a bit of a health scare with the older one – much more manageable than previous episodes but scary for us nonetheless. Need to start incorporating more gratitude into this life. Today I am grateful for my babies – both a handful but both just constantly making me smile.

Planning the upcoming weekend is our next task! It could be a long drive kind of weekend.

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