Tag Archives: poetry


Hi you! Yea, you! Thank you for reading my random musings. I’m so very appreciative of it, you have no idea.

I set a goal for 2015 to write here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and to use this as a training ground to improve my writing. I dream of publishing one day and I haven’t gotten enough practice for a while.

Mondays are times for me to write these entirely personal, almost journal-like posts to record my journey and growth. After all that is why I started this blog. It will probably have some sort of a something I saw or heard during the week that inspired me to do something or made me think. Yes, I used too many ‘something’s in that sentence, I know!

Wednesdays are for the creative stuff. I was exasperated in August and wrote my first poem, ‘Turning Point’. It was so freeing and cathartic; I really wanted to write more poetry. I also want to try my hand at short stories, so last week, inspired by Reader’s Digest’s 100 word story challenge, I wrote a story with less than a 100 words – read it here.

Fridays are for honing the report/article writer in me. I’ll put a spotlight on anything, really. Historical tales, buildings, people – the options are plenty. It is an area I hope to better as this goes along as I tend to make anything I write into personal stories and I am not allowed to do that on Fridays.

I’m sorry this post is all housekeeping but I needed to post this, if for nothing else but to hold myself accountable and motivated to stick to this schedule. It is something I spoke to my Buddhist district as well – setting goals, planning and declaration are very powerful in leading a fulfilled life.

So do go ahead, 2015 just started. Set huge goals for your life, plan to get shit done and go full throttle. Now is all we have, really!

Much love!


What is the point really?
What is it that we’re all doing here?
Is all of life a filler of time?
Is there a point to all the madness here?

In one moment, it seems a big deal –
Everything infuriates you, puts you down.
Makes you go crazy, delirious in fear,
The desperation and hopelessness, it paralyses you.

In another though, it takes you atop the highest peak,
Feeling so blessed, just lucky to be alive,
When the worst words don’t make the slightest dent,
Happiness permeates all of life, making living all too joyous.

The more you look, the foggier it seems,
Is there really a point or are we just going through the motions?
The more you think, it becomes clearer though,
YOU create value in the life you lead.

There’s ways to look at it, half-empty or half-full,
“You’re older now than ever before” or
“You’re younger now than you’ll ever be”
End of the day, all I can say is our perspective is all that matters.

The NY State of Mind

grand central cieling

Grand Central, so truly grand – the history of a 100 years.
The majestic columns, so gorgeous
The expansive windows, so regal
Ornate lamps and the exquisite clock –
Such character the building has.

My favourite part’s the ceiling though,
Showing the zodiac, a starry sky.
I wish to lie on the cool marble,
And stare at the green to my heart’s content.
But I never do because I trust the NY commuter,
To squash my face with their perfectly in-style shiny shoes,
And walk on by without a backward glance.

Turning Point

Life as I knew it has come to a close,
Days as structured have bid adieu.
Space and time now wait for me,
To make great things,
To do more good,
To feel more strength,
To love my life.

It’s now or never, my heart says,
It’s YES or NO, now I realize.
Only I hold the matchbox here –
To set fire and let my trail blaze.

Alongside a mentor who awe-inspires,
Trusting my love to hold my hand,
Wanting to be that glorious star –
That lights up all the world alike.

It’s a hill I have to climb,
It’s a hill I need to climb,
It’s a hill I want to climb,
Its one that I will for sure.