Tag Archives: subway

Commute to work!

Since moving to NY, my commute has become significantly longer. Its about and hour and a half one way. Most days, this just helps me catch up on sleep, some days I get to read a bit and everyday I get to listen to some music. The last week however, has been really testing in terms of commute time. The trains have been delayed because of the weather or held up by sick passengers or had maintenance issues every damn day! The PATH trains did not function from the WTC station for a certain period of time of yesterday – yes, this coincided with my commute – because of ice falling from the new world trade tower, I kid you not!

But today’s story takes the cake! I reached the 86th and Lex station to find that the express trains were delayed indefinitely. So we took the local train and thankfully got to change into an express at 14th Street. The train had reached the Brooklyn Bridge station, one stop before my destination and this man holds the door up accusing “someone” on the train of picking his pocket. Yelling at the entire group of passengers, he attracts a police officer to help him search everyone. By this point everyone had gotten irritated and were demanding that he stop the commotion and let the train move. The man, claiming that he was robbed of his badge and ID that he had securely kept in the back pocket of his pants, is now flashing his holstered fire arm to the passengers to get them to cooperate. A few minutes in, he probably realized that there were people that got off the train as well and if someone did take his wallet, they were long gone. I, for one, hope he finds it in his home in its usual place and feels really stupid about the way he accused people and delayed their schedules.

The NY Subway never ceases to be a source of fun stories to tell!

That and lots of love!

The Blah Day!


The day started off pretty normally, except for that I forgot breakfast and also lunch. Now you see where my office is does not afford me the option of going out and eating, and I forgot to at least carry some fruits or yogurt or something. Thankfully my colleagues have no issues with sharing their food so I did not go hungry. But something even worse happened. Our office was out of coffee, and I had severe caffeine deficiency issues, in other words, I was sleepy a lot! Just 10 minutes ago, I read this – http://www.boredpanda.com/first-world-problems-twitter/ – and writing this, I feel like one of them. Sheesh! I grew up in India, I know bigger problems, ok? 😛

After work though it was one of those days where I just did not want to do anything (cue in the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars). I came watched lots of videos, re-watched a bunch of Starkid Videos, ate a Subway Salad (Go Paleo!!) and pretty much slept! I could have done this yesterday as well but I really did not want to!

Did you know that around Mahavir Jayanti (birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir, the propagator of Jainism), there is a week long fast for Jains, which is practiced in 3 different ways, the most extreme of which is no food at all for 8 days, only boiled water that can be drank only when the sun is up. So, why I got to know all the details this year is because my supervisor is a Jain lady who has not had anything but water since last Sunday evening – that’s  4 whole days! This is kudos to her determination to go through with this in spite of the fact that this has tired her out.

With that and lots of love!